Nothing ever seems to go just right or easy for my 15-year-old son with ADHD. He is smart, in fact he is very smart, at 15 he is a sophomore at the local community college. His younger brother is jealous of him, as many of the kids who know him are, because he is so smart. However, most do not realize how difficult life is for him. Everything seems to go wrong and for no reason. He has a good heart; he would do just about anything for anyone. Yet many people don’t like him. Adults think he is a know it all, rude, or disruptive. Other children think he is mean, too smart, or a troublemaker. Does having ADHD make everything go wrong?
How many kids do you know who knock on the front door when it is locked and the glass shatters? That happened to my son. He felt terrible about it, so did I after I paid two thousand dollars to have it replaced. It was an antique door, probably the original on our 100 plus year old home. Therefore, it wasn’t standard size of course.
How many kids do you know who slide a stool across the kitchen floor and shatter the oven door glass? He was just as surprised as everyone else was when it happened. He was probably a little more upset than I was because I made him pay the $100 to order a new one. Then he had to help dad install it.
He and his younger brother went on a mission trip together. I filled out both of the consent forms at the same time. He called to say that I didn’t sign his in the correct spot so he couldn’t go white water rafting with the group. Luckily, I was able to save face by faxing a new one immediately, since I was at home when he called.
It is just that things like this happen to him everyday. He has had two best friends, boys that were just like him and understood him. Both moved to other states.
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Photo Credit: 2008 Julia Fuller.